Thursday, March 24, 2011

Support Needed; States Battle for Workers' Rights

In more than a dozen states, working families are coming together to face down attacks on good jobs and the right to bargain for a middle-class life. You’ve seen it in Wisconsin, where more than 100,000 people flooded the Capitol in Madison multiple times. You’ve seen it in Indiana, where protests against anti-worker legislation have continued for a month—and as a result we’re winning on many issues in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and plenty of other places.
Whether you were directly involved in worker uprisings or not, you are a part of our movement. These huge efforts were made possible because of the solidarity of people like you, acting together.

We need your help to keep the movement going and growing. We’ll keep giving you opportunities to do it—we hope you’ll take us up on those opportunities as much as you can, and also find ways to get involved in your own way.  One way you can show your friends and neighbors that you’re part of the nationwide movement for good jobs and workers’ rights is by purchasing a  We Are One lapel pin or button.

You’ll be able to wear your support with pride, and it will help us grow our movement—all but the actual cost of your pin or button will be a donation to support massive mobilization efforts by workers who are fighting for their freedom to bargain for a better life.

As you know, the right to bargain collectively for a voice at work and a middle-class life are under attack as never before.  So we’re combating these new threats with unprecedented solidarity.  April 4th is the anniversary of the assasination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, (April 4, 1968) in Memphis, Tenn., where he was helping sanitation workers gain a voice at work and the right to bargain to realize their dream of a better life.  On that day and the days surrounding it, working families across the country will be organizing numerous solidarity actions. Together, we’ll stand with working people in Wisconsin, Ohio and dozens of other states where corporate-bought politicians are trying to take away the rights for which Dr. King gave his life.

Act now: Your purchase of a union-made pin or button will support ongoing worker-led mobilizations for good jobs and workers’ rights. Click Here

All but the actual cost of your “We Are One” button or pin will be a donation to support massive mobilization efforts workers are leading around the country.  For just $15 (plus shipping and handling), you can receive a classy union-made-in-America 1" x 1¼" We Are One lapel pin—and $12.95 of that will be used to support mobilization efforts for workers who are fighting against attacks on working families in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and other states. Or for just $10 (plus shipping and handling), you can receive a bold 2" x 3" lapel button and contribute $9.43. Of course, the more buttons and pins you buy, the more you’ll help. Order by midnight Friday; You’ll be supporting worker-led mobilizations across the country and you’ll receive your lapel pin or button in time to wear it with pride on April 4th.

So far, we’ve seen the most inspiring series of uprisings among working people in our lifetimes—let’s keep that energy going. Your continued support today, on or around April 4, and in the days and months to come will help keep this movement strong.