Dear APWU Member:
Last year, I stood with over 100 postal workers and their families outside the
In a letter to Mr. John Potter, the U.S. Postmaster General, I voiced my deep concerns regarding the potential ramifications the plan could have on the quality of mail service, delivery delays, and the livelihoods of the postal employees and their families. As I wrote to Mr. Potter, at a time when hardworking Americans are already struggling with the financial crisis, it is unfair that they must face the prospect of being "excessed" and uprooted to a different facility, or being laid off from their job. The Philadelphia BMC has provided dependable mail processing services and high-paying jobs to hundreds of employees for decades.
In a response letter, the Postmaster General's office acknowledged our concerns but expressed the need to "enhance operations" at BMC facilities in light of the U.S. Postal Service's current financial challenges. We all understand the financial strain the USPS is under, but I believe we can work together to find other ways of maintaining its viability without abandoning our workers. As a result, I am requesting that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) conduct an impact study of the Network Distribution Centers (NDC) to ensure that the consequences of consolidation on mail service and the postal workforce are fully understood before further action is taken.
As the son of a 30-year union member, please know that I will continue to fight everyday to protect the interests of hardworking families around the country.
Patrick Murphy