Friday, May 29, 2009

Below is a recent letter written to Philadelphia APWU members from the office of Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy

Dear APWU Member:

Last year, I stood with over 100 postal workers and their families outside the
Philadelphia Bulk Mail Center to protest plans to privatize operations at our nation's 21 BMCs. We stood our ground, and it seems, at least for the moment, that we won the battle to protect the mail service and good union jobs from outsourcing. Unfortunately, workers now face a new threat from a plan to consolidate these centers and eliminate the processing of originating parcel mail at the Philadelphia BMC.

In a letter to Mr. John Potter, the U.S. Postmaster General, I voiced my deep concerns regarding the potential ramifications the plan could have on the quality of mail service, delivery delays, and the livelihoods of the postal employees and their families. As I wrote to Mr. Potter, at a time when hardworking Americans are already struggling with the financial crisis, it is unfair that they must face the prospect of being "excessed" and uprooted to a different facility, or being laid off from their job. The Philadelphia BMC has provided dependable mail processing services and high-paying jobs to hundreds of employees for decades.

In a response letter, the Postmaster General's office acknowledged our concerns but expressed the need to "enhance operations" at BMC facilities in light of the U.S. Postal Service's current financial challenges. We all understand the financial strain the USPS is under, but I believe we can work together to find other ways of maintaining its viability without abandoning our workers. As a result, I am requesting that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) conduct an impact study of the Network Distribution Centers (NDC) to ensure that the consequences of consolidation on mail service and the postal workforce are fully understood before further action is taken.

As the son of a 30-year union member, please know that I will continue to fight everyday to protect the interests of hardworking families around the country.


Patrick Murphy


Sunday, May 24, 2009

HR 2161: A Bill to Restore the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

A new bill has been introduced to the house. HR 2161 is a bill intended to reverse changes to the Family and Medical Leave Act that were implemented just before President Obama took office. The FMLA Restoration Act, introduced on April 29 by Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH), would "nullify" certain regulations put in place by the Bush administration that adversely impacted the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 and restore prior regulations.

Click here to Contact Your Legislators and ask them to support this bill. The email is already written, all you do is type in your information and the software does the rest. It takes about 3 minutes.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Both Sides Gearing Up For The Fight Over The Employee Free Choice Act

Corporate lobbyists and executives are gearing up for their next round of attacks on the Employee Free Choice Act. But the next battle is bound to show them for who they are: greedy people who will do anything to hold onto their power.

Corporate groups have waged war to prevent workers from enjoying what CEOs take for granted: a contract.

Anti-worker groups are now attacking the "first contract arbitration" portion of the Employee Free Choice Act, which seeks to stop employers from using endless foot-dragging against workers who have voted for a union, but have yet to secure a contract.

Their new line of attack is entirely hypocritical. Corporations use arbitration all the time, because for years, they've said it's a fast, inexpensive way to settle disputes.

It doesn't have to be a battle, but CEOs are doing all they can to stop the Employee Free Choice Act. To them, this is the demise of civilization. It's an epic battle that must be fought to preserve the status quo, and of course, their lavish lifestyles.

Tell your members of Congress that they need to support the Employee Free Choice Act. Tell them that they need to choose their constituents over the corrosive power of greed. We're counting on them to help level the playing field and improve the lives of the American people that they represent.

Watch this video and write to your members of Congress here:

P.S. Check out this video too. It's a collection of artists, actors and performers who have come together in support of the Employee Free Choice Act.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Congressman Driehaus Postpones Visit

Congressman Driehaus' office notified me on Friday that something had come up and the Congressman would be unable to visit the BMC on the 11th as originally planned. We have tentatively rescheduled the visit for Monday June 1st at 11:00 am.

Monday, May 11, 2009

APWU Legislative Priorities Brochure

The APWU has published a brochure of Legislative Priorities outlining the APWU's position in detail on issues that are important to Postal Workers, Retirees and their families. It is available for download in PDF format at WWW.APWU.Org or by clicking the link below.

In response to our invitation, Ohio 1st District Congressman Steve Driehaus will tour the BMC on Monday, May 18th at 9:00. The Congressman expressed an interest in touring our facility when Craig and I met with him recently in Washington, DC. He has proven himself to be a true friend of Postal Workers and their families by co-sponsoring The Employee Free Choice Act as well as HR 22 - a bill to allow the United States Postal Service to pay its share of contributions for annuitants health benefits out of the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund. We are confident that he will also cosponsor the Mail Network Protection Act, HR 1686, which would restrict the postal service's ability to contract out the work of postal employees. A strong relationship with our local Congressional Representatives can be a valuable asset as we begin to navigate the uncertain path that lies ahead. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Congressman Steve Driehaus while he is here. Driehaus Bio