Saturday, October 24, 2009

Congress Finally Approves FERS Sick-Leave Credit!

Finally a victory for FERS employees! In an end to a long and hard fought battle, FERS employees (postal and federal workers who fall under the Federal Employees Retirement System) will now receive credit for unused sick leave when they retire. By a 68-29 vote margin Thursday, the Senate approved a compromise version of the 2010 Defense Authorization bill which includes the new benefit. The measure, which includes a number of pay and retirement provisions (see below) was previously approved in a House-Senate conference on Oct. 7 and adopted in full by the House the following day. Click here to see how your senators voted.

Mirroring a benefit already enjoyed by Civil Service Retirement System employees (CSRS), the new provision allows FERS-covered workers to receive a 50 percent credit for unused sick leave until Dec. 31, 2013 then beginning Jan. 1, 2014, they will begin receiving full credit.

President Obama is expected to sign the bill into law although there is some concern over the fact that the legislation contains an additional $130 billion in funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan including $7.5 billion earmarked for training of Afghan security forces.

The bill also includes:

  • A provision that would allow employees who choose to work part-time toward the end of their careers to use a higher salary figure in calculations for how the reduced work factors into their retirement benefits.

  • A provision that would move workers in Hawaii, Alaska, the Virgin Islands and other U.S. territories from cost-of-living adjustments to a locality-pay system; Territorial COLAs would be applied differently to postal employees than to other federal workers. The T-COLAs would not be taxed and would not be credited towards retirement; for other federal employees these earnings would be taxed and would be credited toward retirement.

  • A provision that would allow FERS employees who left and then returned to government service to redeposit savings in the retirement system and earn credit for years they had previously worked.


To read the full story at APWU.Org

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dispelling the Myths

The APWU has published a flyer challenging some of the fallacies and false assumptions being reported as fact by news agencies regarding the cause(s) of the financial crisis in which the Postal Service now finds itself. The flyer, titled [Fact & Fiction ] rebuts claims and assertions recently put forth by a variety of news outlets.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

President Burrus Announces Retirement in 2010

Bringing his 53-year career to a close, APWU President William Burrus announced he would not seek re-election in November 2010; he plans to retire at the end of this term. Burrus made the emotional announcement Sept. 30th, during his closing remarks at the union’s All-Craft Conference. Throughout his celebrated career he has fought for and won better wages, working conditions and benefits for hundreds of thousands of postal workers.

“I am in good health and I love what I do,” he said. “But I want to move on to another part of my life. He introduced his wife to the assembly saying, “I want to spend more time with my wonderful wife, Ethelda. She has been by my side throughout my 37 years as an executive officer of this union.”

“I have looked forward to every day that I have served our members, and I look forward to the next 13 months. This is not the end, but effective November 2010 it will be time for me to turn the page and move on to the rest of my life. “In the interim, I intend to continue my commitment to the membership, every hour, every day.” Conference participants responded with two standing ovations. More than 2,000 members were in attendance.

Burrus’ retirement coincides with the expiration of the current contract (November 20, 2010) and the wrapping up of negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement.

Finally! A Little Breathing Room

Senate Approves Short-Term Relief for USPS
The Senate approved an appropriations bill Sept. 30 that includes emergency financial relief for the Postal Service. The Fiscal Year 2010 funding measure (H.R. 2918) passed by a vote of 62-38. The postal provision gives the USPS one year of financial relief, allowing it to make a reduced payment to the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund for future-retiree health benefits. President Obama signed the legislation that evening. [full story]

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

House - Senate Panel Includes H.R. 22 in Stopgap Spending Bill

Short-term relief for the Postal Service may finally be in sight. On Sept. 25th, The House, which approved H.R. 22 on Sept. 15th, voted in favor of combining the independent measure with stop-gap spending legislation (H. Con. Res. 191) by a vote of 217 to 190. The Senate is expected to take action on the measure early next week. A House-Senate panel included the provisions of H.R. 22, which would provide temporary financial relief to the Postal Service, in a stopgap funding bill that would keep the federal government afloat for a month after the new fiscal year starts next week. The provisions of H.R. 22 provide short term relief to the Postal Service by permitting it to reduce its payment to the retiree healthcare fund by $4 billion for Fiscal Year 2009.

APWU President William Burrus praised unionists for their efforts saying, “APWU members can be proud of the role they played in helping to advance this important legislation, I commend our union activists for their hard work.”

Saturday, September 12, 2009

New Info on VER for MPE's and ET's

There has been much discussion and speculation over whether or not MPE's and ET's would be "allowed" to participate in the $15,000 retirement incentive or "Early Out". I spoke personally today with Carol Walden on the subject. She has been informed that MPE's will be eligible but ET's will not. She asked for clarification from her superiors (District/Area Level) earlier in the week at our request and this is the response she received. It is not all that we had hoped for but I'm sure it is welcome news to those who have been considering the offer. We will continue to seek further clarification regarding ET's. This is all we currently have on this subject, but I wanted to let everyone know as soon as possible. Please, if you are submitting paperwork to accept this offer, be sure you understand the requirements. There is a fair amount of information available here on ==> LiteBlue and here's a link to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Postal Service and the Union regarding the ==> One Time Voluntary Retirement Incentive.

Congressman to Attend APWU Picnic

We have received confirmation that Congressman Steve Driehaus will attend our annual picnic to be held September 19th at Vorhees Park in Reading, OH. Also invited were Senator Sherrod Brown and Ohio Lieutenant Governor, recently turned Senatorial candidate, Lee Fisher. Senator Brown is unable to attend due to prior committments and sends his regards. We have not yet received a response from the Lieutenant Governor's office.

Be sure to attend the picnic if you can. There will be games for the kids and lots of food and fun for everyone! Raffle tickets are still available for some really great prizes including a huge Gas Grill, a Wii, 2 Flip video cameras, an Acer Netbook computer and more! See your steward!

Come on out and enjoy our annual end of summer get together. Have some fun and support your APWU Local!

President Obama Speaks at AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic

President Barack Obama was in town for the AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic held at Old Coney. Our own President and Mrs. Fisher were on hand to hear his remarks. The President was here to fire up grass roots support for his Health Care Insurance Reform Legislation.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Long Awaited Impact Statement Is Finally Out

On Friday, August 21, 2009 Plant Manager Dave Caproni informed the APWU and Mail Handlers unions that he had received the impact statement from Area concerning NDC activation. The impact statement determines the number of jobs that will be eliminated. For the Cincinnati NDC, a total of 89 employees will be impacted. This means Area has determined that after we become a tier 1 NDC we will no longer need 89 employees. The majority of these will be casual positions. The number that may be excessed outside the facility may be reduced or eliminated through attrition in the other crafts.

At this time, management has not “officially” notified the Unions of the need to excess any employees. The sole intent of the information shared on Friday was to allow the Unions to hear it directly from management instead of through rumors. No APWU represented employee in this building has been notified that they will be excessed. Management is still required to give the Union 6 months notice prior to excessing.

Based on other NDC conversions around the country we expected Motor Vehicle to be the APWU craft impacted the most. Regrettably, the impact for our facility is a reduction of 14 TTO’s. Again, management is still required to give the Union 6 months notice prior to excessing and as of today’s date, no such notice has been given While no other APWU employees are impacted at this time, a secondary impact statement normally occurs approximately 3 months after the conversion. This secondary statement will be based on mail volume.

NDC activation is scheduled to begin October 19th and be completed by November 20th, 2009. In fact all 21 NDC’s are slated to be online by the November 20th deadline. The APWU will continue to vigorously enforce the contract during this conversion.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Union Calls for Campaign To Defeat Anti-Postal Worker Senate Bill

The Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Funding Reform Act of 2009 (S. 1507), just introduced last week by Senator Carper of DE, would have provided much needed financial relief to the Postal Service. It is, or was, the Senate’s version of HR 22; intended to provide temporary financial relief to the cash-strapped Postal Service, it has now been rendered unacceptable to the APWU due to a last minute amendment to the bill.

National APWU President William Burrus has called on APWU locals and state organizations to organize opposition to the Senate bill which now contains a provision that would be devastating to postal workers.In all, 11 amendments were submitted just under the deadline for submissions although additional amendments could still be offered. The most troubling amendment was the one offered by Sen. Coburn of OK and Susan Collins of ME. This amendment would create a huge disadvantage for the APWU at the bargaining table by requiring any binding arbitration in the negotiation of postal contracts to take the financial health of the Postal Service into account.

“Given the severity of Postal Service’s financial crisis, if this bill passes, we can anticipate that in the next round of negotiations, many of the things our members take for granted — such as cost-of-living increases, raises, and protection against layoffs — will be at risk.” Under current law, arbitrators must consider the “comparability” of postal wages to employees in the private sector who perform similar work.

“In fact, arbitrators routinely consider the Postal Service’s financial status as part of the context of negotiations,” Burrus said. “However, to attach this specific requirement to the law leaves workers at a severe disadvantage.

“By singling out this one factor, the amended bill would give the Postal Service’s short-term financial conditions supremacy over all other relevant considerations. It will make the bargaining process subject to all-out manipulation.

Sen. Joe Lieberman (ID-CT), chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, and Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), chairman of the subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government information, Federal Services and International Security, supported the amendment, and voted with committee Republicans for its adoption.

"We are deeply disappointed that lawmakers we have supported voted for this reactionary amendment," Burrus said. "We will do everything we can to defeat it."

Another amendment submitted by Sen. Coburn would repeal the requirement in appropriations law that requires the USPS to deliver mail six days per week.

And our old buddy Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) you remember, the guy who wanted to tax your health care benefits, submitted an amendment that would increase the share postal employees pay for healthcare coverage!

APWU Legislative and Political Director Myke Reid said: Amendments to this bill would weaken the legislation, harm the Postal Service, and hurt postal workers. He urged union members to contact their senators.

Once the committee acts on the amendments, it is expected to vote on the main bill, the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Funding Reform Act of 2009 (S. 1507), which the APWU supports in its original form.

It is imperative that you contact your U.S. Senators and urge them to reject these amendments and approve S. 1507 as originally proposed by Senator Carper. The following link will take you to a sample email message. Use the sample or compose your own it only takes a couple of minutes. Click Here to E-mail your Senator

Saturday, July 11, 2009

House Committee Approves HR 22!

Big news yesterday for the Postal Service and the APWU. The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform unanimously approved H.R. 22. The bill will now go before the full House for consideration. H.R. 22 , if passed into law, would provide immediate albeit, short-term relief to an already financially strained Postal Service. It would amend a provision of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA) that requires the Postal Service to prefund the healthcare benefits of retirees from its current operating budget. This unfair burden combined with the nation's economic collapse has created an unprecedented financial crisis so severe that it threatens the continued existence of one of our nation's most valued institutions.

By allowing the Postal Service to pay a portion of these benefits from the Postal Service Retirees Health Benefits Fund (through Fiscal Year 2011), it is estimated that the USPS would save more than $6 billion ($2 billion per year over the next three years). The relief provided by H.R. 22 is not a bailout and comes “without a single dollar of taxpayer money,” as noted by APWU Legislative and Political Director Myke Reid.
Although a companion bill has not yet been introduced in the Senate, the House bill with 338 co-sponsors, is expected to pass easily when it comes under consideration of the full House which is anticipated to be sometime before Congress’ August recess.

With cautious optism APWU President William Burrus praised the vote. “We are pleased by the vote and eager for H.R. 22 to become law,” he said, “But we are mindful of the long-term financial challenges facing the Postal Service.”

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Al Franken Joins Senate... Finally!

Photo by Joe Kekeris

Yesterday, after a long, hard fought campaign and nearly eight months of litigation and squabblimg over vote counting, Al Franken was finally sworn in as the newest U.S. senator representing Minnesota. Then in his very first official act,he signed on as co-sponsor of The Employee Free Choice Act!

Franken announces his co-sponsorship at a reception held in his honor last night at the AFL-CIO. Minnesota leaders like former Vice President Walter Mondale, Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Minnesota AFL-CIO President Ray Waldron are on hand to join union members and leaders in welcoming him to Washington, D.C.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Congratulations Kathy Sexton and Dan Dornacher!

Our June 18th Membership Meeting proved to be quite profitable for two of our members. Kathy Sexton, Clerk won the Membership Appreciation prize of $300 and Dan Dornacher, Maintenance Mechanic won the Acer Aspire One Netbook Computer raffle.

The computer raffle was a great success and raised $878 for COPA! This will go a long way toward helping the Local achieve its yearly COPA goal of $8 per member. Thanks to everyone who participated.

If you really had your heart set on that computer, we have another one! It will be just one of many great prizes in our annual 2009 Picnic Raffle so watch for those tickets to go on sale soon!

The Membership Appreciation prize will start over again at $50 with each member receiving one entry automatically. Then, as before, each time a member attends a membership meeting they have the opportunity to complete another entry. Entries continue to accumulate and the prize money continues to grow* until we have a winner, at which time the entire process is repeated. The only catch is you must be present at the time of the drawing to win (usually near the end of the New Business portion of the meeting).

* The Executive Board is considering "capping" the prize amount at somewhere between $300 and $500. If you have thoughts, opinions, etc. on this please let us know.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Congressman Driehaus Tours BMC

Congressman Driehaus visited the Bulk Mail Center this past Monday (June 1st). After a brief introduction and meeting with A/Plant Manager Dave Caproni, he toured the facility walking through Secondary and viewing the SSIU (Singulator), then on to the West end of the building to observe the APPS, High Speed Tray Sorter and De-Palletizer. His visit also included a brief stop in the APWU office where President Craig Fisher presented him with an official APWU Picnic T-shirt and a renewed invitation to attend this year's picnic. We will follow up with his staff as the date approaches. Overall, the visit went very well. Representative Driehaus was thoughtful and interested in all aspects of operations at the Bulk Mail Center. He asked questions about the varying classes of mail and mail volumes and seemed to genuinely share our concern over declining revenues. He commented to Craig and I that he particularly enjoys visits like this; allowing him to see first hand how decisions made in Washington DC might impact the people in his district. He is very personable and made every effort to greet and introduce himself to anyone who came within handshake range. If you missed the opportunity to meet him, be sure to attend the Picnic!

Burrus Calls on Labor DepartmentTo Reverse Bush FMLA Rules

APWU President William Burrus has called on U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis to rescind the new regulations governing the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) that were imposed by the Bush Administration just days before the former president left office. The Bush FMLA rules “weakened the law and made it more difficult for workers to exercise the rights the legislation was designed to protect,” Burrus said in his June 3 letter to Solis. Click here for the full story or read the letter here: June 3 letter [PDF]

Friday, May 29, 2009

Below is a recent letter written to Philadelphia APWU members from the office of Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy

Dear APWU Member:

Last year, I stood with over 100 postal workers and their families outside the
Philadelphia Bulk Mail Center to protest plans to privatize operations at our nation's 21 BMCs. We stood our ground, and it seems, at least for the moment, that we won the battle to protect the mail service and good union jobs from outsourcing. Unfortunately, workers now face a new threat from a plan to consolidate these centers and eliminate the processing of originating parcel mail at the Philadelphia BMC.

In a letter to Mr. John Potter, the U.S. Postmaster General, I voiced my deep concerns regarding the potential ramifications the plan could have on the quality of mail service, delivery delays, and the livelihoods of the postal employees and their families. As I wrote to Mr. Potter, at a time when hardworking Americans are already struggling with the financial crisis, it is unfair that they must face the prospect of being "excessed" and uprooted to a different facility, or being laid off from their job. The Philadelphia BMC has provided dependable mail processing services and high-paying jobs to hundreds of employees for decades.

In a response letter, the Postmaster General's office acknowledged our concerns but expressed the need to "enhance operations" at BMC facilities in light of the U.S. Postal Service's current financial challenges. We all understand the financial strain the USPS is under, but I believe we can work together to find other ways of maintaining its viability without abandoning our workers. As a result, I am requesting that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) conduct an impact study of the Network Distribution Centers (NDC) to ensure that the consequences of consolidation on mail service and the postal workforce are fully understood before further action is taken.

As the son of a 30-year union member, please know that I will continue to fight everyday to protect the interests of hardworking families around the country.


Patrick Murphy


Sunday, May 24, 2009

HR 2161: A Bill to Restore the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

A new bill has been introduced to the house. HR 2161 is a bill intended to reverse changes to the Family and Medical Leave Act that were implemented just before President Obama took office. The FMLA Restoration Act, introduced on April 29 by Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH), would "nullify" certain regulations put in place by the Bush administration that adversely impacted the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 and restore prior regulations.

Click here to Contact Your Legislators and ask them to support this bill. The email is already written, all you do is type in your information and the software does the rest. It takes about 3 minutes.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Both Sides Gearing Up For The Fight Over The Employee Free Choice Act

Corporate lobbyists and executives are gearing up for their next round of attacks on the Employee Free Choice Act. But the next battle is bound to show them for who they are: greedy people who will do anything to hold onto their power.

Corporate groups have waged war to prevent workers from enjoying what CEOs take for granted: a contract.

Anti-worker groups are now attacking the "first contract arbitration" portion of the Employee Free Choice Act, which seeks to stop employers from using endless foot-dragging against workers who have voted for a union, but have yet to secure a contract.

Their new line of attack is entirely hypocritical. Corporations use arbitration all the time, because for years, they've said it's a fast, inexpensive way to settle disputes.

It doesn't have to be a battle, but CEOs are doing all they can to stop the Employee Free Choice Act. To them, this is the demise of civilization. It's an epic battle that must be fought to preserve the status quo, and of course, their lavish lifestyles.

Tell your members of Congress that they need to support the Employee Free Choice Act. Tell them that they need to choose their constituents over the corrosive power of greed. We're counting on them to help level the playing field and improve the lives of the American people that they represent.

Watch this video and write to your members of Congress here:

P.S. Check out this video too. It's a collection of artists, actors and performers who have come together in support of the Employee Free Choice Act.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Congressman Driehaus Postpones Visit

Congressman Driehaus' office notified me on Friday that something had come up and the Congressman would be unable to visit the BMC on the 11th as originally planned. We have tentatively rescheduled the visit for Monday June 1st at 11:00 am.

Monday, May 11, 2009

APWU Legislative Priorities Brochure

The APWU has published a brochure of Legislative Priorities outlining the APWU's position in detail on issues that are important to Postal Workers, Retirees and their families. It is available for download in PDF format at WWW.APWU.Org or by clicking the link below.

In response to our invitation, Ohio 1st District Congressman Steve Driehaus will tour the BMC on Monday, May 18th at 9:00. The Congressman expressed an interest in touring our facility when Craig and I met with him recently in Washington, DC. He has proven himself to be a true friend of Postal Workers and their families by co-sponsoring The Employee Free Choice Act as well as HR 22 - a bill to allow the United States Postal Service to pay its share of contributions for annuitants health benefits out of the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund. We are confident that he will also cosponsor the Mail Network Protection Act, HR 1686, which would restrict the postal service's ability to contract out the work of postal employees. A strong relationship with our local Congressional Representatives can be a valuable asset as we begin to navigate the uncertain path that lies ahead. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Congressman Steve Driehaus while he is here. Driehaus Bio