The Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Funding Reform Act of 2009 (S. 1507), just introduced last week by Senator Carper of DE, would have provided much needed financial relief to the Postal Service. It is, or was, the Senate’s version of HR 22; intended to provide temporary financial relief to the cash-strapped Postal Service, it has now been rendered unacceptable to the APWU due to a last minute amendment to the bill.
National APWU President William Burrus has called on APWU locals and state organizations to organize opposition to the Senate bill which now contains a provision that would be devastating to postal workers.In all, 11 amendments were submitted just under the deadline for submissions although additional amendments could still be offered. The most troubling amendment was the one offered by Sen. Coburn of OK and Susan Collins of ME. This amendment would create a huge disadvantage for the APWU at the bargaining table by requiring any binding arbitration in the negotiation of postal contracts to take the financial health of the Postal Service into account.
“Given the severity of Postal Service’s financial crisis, if this bill passes, we can anticipate that in the next round of negotiations, many of the things our members take for granted — such as cost-of-living increases, raises, and protection against layoffs — will be at risk.” Under current law, arbitrators must consider the “comparability” of postal wages to employees in the private sector who perform similar work.
“In fact, arbitrators routinely consider the Postal Service’s financial status as part of the context of negotiations,” Burrus said. “However, to attach this specific requirement to the law leaves workers at a severe disadvantage.
“By singling out this one factor, the amended bill would give the Postal Service’s short-term financial conditions supremacy over all other relevant considerations. It will make the bargaining process subject to all-out manipulation.
Sen. Joe Lieberman (ID-CT), chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, and Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), chairman of the subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government information, Federal Services and International Security, supported the amendment, and voted with committee Republicans for its adoption.
"We are deeply disappointed that lawmakers we have supported voted for this reactionary amendment," Burrus said. "We will do everything we can to defeat it."
Another amendment submitted by Sen. Coburn would repeal the requirement in appropriations law that requires the USPS to deliver mail six days per week.
And our old buddy Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) you remember, the guy who wanted to tax your health care benefits, submitted an amendment that would increase the share postal employees pay for healthcare coverage!
APWU Legislative and Political Director Myke Reid said: Amendments to this bill would weaken the legislation, harm the Postal Service, and hurt postal workers. He urged union members to contact their senators.
Once the committee acts on the amendments, it is expected to vote on the main bill, the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Funding Reform Act of 2009 (S. 1507), which the APWU supports in its original form.
It is imperative that you contact your U.S. Senators and urge them to reject these amendments and approve S. 1507 as originally proposed by Senator Carper. The following link will take you to a sample email message. Use the sample or compose your own it only takes a couple of minutes.
Click Here to E-mail your Senator